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Classic or Youth Facial (all skin types/conditions) $95-$105 / 60-75 minutes

This facial includes a thorough skin analysis and specific treatment plan geared for your skin type, areas of concern, and treatment goals. It includes: a deep cleanse, exfoliation, extractions (as needed), mask, and light massage with application of serums, moisturizer, sunscreen and eye cream. This is also a discounted service for teens (parents must be clients to receive reduced service rate).

Dermaplane Facial $105/60 min

Dermaplaning utilizes a scalpel to gently remove surface build-up in the epidermis. Using a blade has a secondary effect in the removal of the light peach fuzz that covers the face and neck. The result is an instant glow and reflective brightening to the skin. A gentle enzyme exfoliant is then applied to loosen any remaining build up and clear impacted pores. We then nourish and hydrate the skin, providing all the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, humectants and fatty acids to replenish and revitalize.

Skin Classic (skin tags, dark spots/uv age spots, cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasias) $25+

Addresses all those spots that start appearing as we age. Direct high frequency is used to diminish the look or eliminate these annoying and pesky benign skin problems. Great for anywhere on the body, face, or décolleté! Please note: a thorough consultation and both skin prep and aftercare are discussed and implemented before your Skin Classic treatment. This can be added to most facials for existing clients, but new clients will need to schedule a consultation before booking this treatment.

Back Facial $85 / 45 minutes

Does anyone really know what’s going on back there? This “facial” will get you more in touch with your backside with a full assessment, cleanse, enzymatic or mechanical exfoliation, extractions (if necessary), mask, with a light massage and application of customized formulations and appropriate hydration to finish. Based on your treatment goals, discuss adding on LED, Enzyme Therapy or a series of more advanced treatment options.

Custom Peels & SWICH Treatments $150 and up

Whole Body & Skincare believes in the health and rejuvenation of the skin. Occasionally, the skin needs a kick-start to this process. Peels are not a one-size-fits-all type of treatment. We utilize various peel solutions, depths and protocols from industry leaders to achieve beautiful outcomes and lasting results. A thorough consultation is required to discuss the peel option that is best for you. Full preparation, ongoing support during the healing phase and complete home care are required for these advanced treatments. For new clients seeking a peel, a consultation fee of $50 is charged for this appointment. This fee is then deducted and applied to your actual peel or a future facial treatment.

Advanced Technology Layered Facial (all skin types/conditions) $150 / 80 minutes

The technology facial employs a thorough skin analysis, ultrasonic cleansing, exfoliation (gentle enzyme peel or wet/dry microdermabrasion), extractions, mask and application and product penetration using LED and/or microcurrent. Note: this treatment is not suitable for individuals that are pregnant, those with implanted medical devices, persons undergoing treatment for active cancers, and within two weeks of Botox and/or filler injections.

Enzyme Therapy $165-$250 / 90-120 minutes

DMK’s signature Enzyme Therapy treatment includes a 45 minute enzymatic masque that stimulates cellular renewal and an exchange of the intracellular and extracellular fluids within the skin. This exchange reduces oxidative damage and stimulates healthy cell function and increases cellular energy. This treatment is for any skin condition and as maintenance to healthy skin. It is the reset your skin needs to be beautiful, ageless, balanced and healthy. This clinical facial includes the full range of DMK formulations and is completely customized to address your skin concerns- great for acne, reactive, aging, hyperpigmentation, rosacea and anyone interested in improving or maintaining the health of their skin.

Light Emitting Diode (LED) Facial (acne/aging/hyperpigmentation and all skin types/conditions) $105 / 60 minutes

This treatment includes a thorough cleanse, gentle exfoliation and topical application of LED treatment-boosting serums or formulations to achieve the best results. The LED panels are then placed over the treatment area. Red/infrared, blue, green and yellow wavelengths may be used in isolation or in combination, based on treatment goals. Once the LED portion is complete (20-30 mins.), application of finishing products round out this treatment. Note: LED may also be added to any service for additional time and cost. Please inquire at time of booking. Note: This treatment is contraindicated for individuals on light sensitizing medications, those with light sensitivity, epilepsy  and seizure disorders, as well and those undergoing treatment for active cancers.

LED has been widely researched and there are a number of scientific studies that promote the use for everything from skin conditions to aches and pains. The basis of the technology is working with specific wavelengths of light and their effects on the activity and action within the cell. The most widely researched, recognized, accepted, and utilized wavelengths in skincare are red and blue. Deeper penetrating infrared is often used for joint pain and musculoskeletal issues and injuries.

Red LED is the deepest penetrating wavelength of visible light. It stimulates fibroblast cells in the dermal layer of the skin to stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration as well as healing. Collagen is what gives our skin its structure and integrity. Aging both degrades and slows the production of collagen in the dermis. This reduction and in quantity and quality is due to environmental factors (pollution and free radicals), UV damage, our internal health and wellness, and as part of the normal aging process.

Blue LED is the most superficially absorbed wavelength in the epidermis. It treats topically to reduce the number and concentration of acne causing bacteria, known as C. acnes.

Hyperpigmentation is addressed and can be minimized with a series of treatments utilizing green LED and yellow is for sallow complexions and lymphatic stimulation. Unlike IPL and laser treatments – LED does not generate heat, require downtime, or cause discomfort. For best results, LED should be utilized in a series of treatments, since the effects and results are cumulative.


Microcurrent Rejuvenation Facial (aging/fragile skin/all skin types/conditions)Ask about special package pricing for multiple sessions.$125 / 75 minutes

Microcurrent rejuvenation has been dubbed ‘the non-surgical face lift’ and works by sculpting, smoothing and softening the lines and wrinkles of expression aging while re-educating the facial muscles to provide a ‘lifted’ appearance. For lasting results, and based on age and skin health- a series of microcurrent sessions is recommended, but most individuals can see and feel the softening and lifting after one visit. Note: microcurrent is not suitable for individuals with implanted medical devices, women that are pregnant, or within 2 weeks of injections (Botox and fillers).

Myofascial Release & Gua Sha Facial $100 / 60 minutes

This facial utilizes various gua sha tools to relax tension in the facial muscles, stimulate lymphatic drainage and sculpt and tone the face, neck and décolleté. The gua sha stones are made from rose quartz as well as black, green and white jade. I also use Kansa Wands and copper tools in these treatments. Each impart their own frequencies and have different benefits when used on the skin. This facial is deeply relaxing and in addition to the benefits to the skin and rejuvenated appearance, gua sha can reduce tension headaches, jaw discomfort and sinus pain.

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